Friday, April 13, 2012

Bounel Blathers On and On

In a little-noticed 2009 speech, Obama vowed to demolish "structural inequalities" in America and rebuild the economy on three new "pillars", socialized medicine, banking and higher education. (3)(Pillars also refers to 7 pillars of Islam.)

As noted in the Obama Record:

When V.I. Lenin sought to remake Russian society into a "proletariats' paradise," he targeted three sectors for control: health care, banking and education. Does this sound familiar?(2)

Of the three, however, Lenin viewed socialized medicine as the "keystone" to building a socialist utopia.

The Bolshevik leader told the Russian people everybody would be able to afford going to the doctor, not just the "greedy rich." He also claimed centralized control of the medical industry would "reduce costs" and end the "waste" from "unnecessary duplication and parallelism" in a competitive market.

In 1918, the USSR became the first nation to promise "free" universal health care.(1A)

Fifteen years later, major flaws appeared in its grand social experiment, even to Western observers who largely romanticized it.

"Monetary motives have almost entirely ceased to operate in medical practice in Soviet Russia," observed a pair of sympathetic physicians from America and Britain, who traveled to Russia in 1933.(1B)

As a result, "there still exists a great shortage of physicians and hospitals," they wrote in their report, "Red Medicine: Socialized Health in Soviet Russia." "Drugs are almost fabulously dear and scarce."

"Overworked doctors" couldn't handle the flood of new patients. A bloated new medical bureaucracy, led by the People's Commissar of Public Health, only worsened delays in treatment.
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"The dissatisfied patients objected to the many formalities before they were allowed to see a doctor at the public clinic, and to the fact that the intervals before they saw him again were excessive," the 1933 report said.

"Other complaints have been of lack of hospital beds when needed."

It was not uncommon for patients to die while waiting in line to be admitted.

Rationing became necessary. Elderly patients were often turned away from care. Death panels appointed by the health commissar decided their fate.

"This committee decides as to patients needing treatment at a rest home or a sanatorium," the Western doctors reported.

As bad as Soviet medicine was, it was anything but "free."

"Most workers and their families receive free medical treatment as insured persons," the report said. "But the funds for this treatment do not come from insurance funds, but from general taxation."

This is how President Obama intends to pay for his own universal health care plan, which will subsidize some 28 million uninsured and underinsured Americans through tax hikes on the rich.

In a little-noticed 2009 speech, Obama vowed to demolish "structural inequalities" in America and rebuild the economy on three new "pillars" — socialized medicine, banking and higher education.

Bill O’Reilly and Andrew Breitbart have been promoting a very disturbing clip of King Samir Shabazz, the man charged with wielding a nightstick at a Philadelphia polling place, advocating the killing of white babies. In part 2 of my interview with NBPP Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, he gives a nearly-as-disturbing explanation, while also correcting the record.

Both Breitbart and O’Reilly erroneously state that charges against King Samir Shabazz were dropped. In fact, the Justice Department dropped charges against the New Black Panther Party, its Chairman, and poll watcher Jerry Jackson, but gained an injunction against King Samir stating after May 18,2009 he is espressly FORBIDDEN to display ANY weapon within 100 feet of any Philadelphia polling place.

Web Results 71 - 80 of about 87,429 for Kill, kill kill the white man. Kill him until he is dead Kill the white man ...Thank you.  Completely censored except for To Kill a Mockingbird excerpts. and

dunno if "the net" will ever be normal again.

Mandate is funding mech...will wind up unfunded be paid by the a whole
cut off arm and save the body.  Are some of the 2700 pages more unconstitutional or less unconstitutional than others.  Should some of the quicksand be saved for suffocating those who deserve or want it.

Hmmm (Updated: ‘Wanted Dead or Alive’)

A secret witness (Known only as as John)says Trayvon Martin did attack George Zimmerman:

One man’s testimony could be key for the police.

 “The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: ‘help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,” he said.

Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.

Martin had asked Zimmerman threateningly,"You got a problem?"  Then punched Zimmerman breaking his nose and knocking him down.  Zimmerman had a long vertical cut in the back of his head substantiating his and witness claim that Trayvon Martin was on top, bashing Zimmerman's head into sidewalk. (6)
Fast-to-fabricate and LIE media edited out Zimmerman's statement from 911 dispatcher tape that Martin was walking about suspiciously and what he was wearing to simply,"He looks black." to amplify racism against Zimmerman who media described as white and white Latino.  Zimmerman shown repeatedly in orange detention suit while 11 year old angelic Trayvon Martin made to look innocent and pure with an old picture.  On Facebook (since deleted pictures) Martin was "signing" twin obscene gestures known as "the bird" and flashing his gold tooth "grill".  Pages and pages of TWEETS of Trayvon Martin using Twitter handle of and saying,"'Plzz shoot da #mf dat lied 2 u!" (5) His Twitter name was NO_LIMIT_NIGGA.” and the dailycaller published 152 pages of "tweets" ALA wikileaks.(5A)

The witness only wanted to be identified as “John,” and didn’t not want to be shown on camera.

His statements to police were instrumental, because police backed up Zimmerman’s claims, saying those screams on the 911 call are those of Zimmerman.

“When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point,” John said.

Zimmerman says the shooting was self defense.

There’s still the matter of Zimmerman pursuing Martin, and Martin being unarmed, to sort out. It’s even possible that what the witness saw looked like Martin attacking Zimmerman, but because of the pursuit, it was really Martin acting in self-defense. It’s also possible the police have been unfairly maligned in all this. That wouldn’t exactly be a first in the career of either Al Sharpton or, if he is unwise enough to do it, Barack Obama who hopped a tax-payer express Air Force One for Tampa, Florida.

Update: The Black Panthers have become a lynch mob wanting Trayvon for a $10,000 bounty IRONICALLY posted days after the NFL fined some team for bounties to "rack up" or injure quarterbacks and other key OPPOSITION TEAM players.  One of the NFL's most physical teams, and most fined, is Pittsburgh over BOUNTIES, so the New Black Panthers get away with a bounty that could get George Zimmerman KILLED if caught by a crowd?(10)

 Danish TV host humiliates Obama with clips showing identical compliments esp about "punching above their weight" (7)

In March of 2012, sarcastic Danish TV announcer Thomas Buch-Andersen (8) utterly humiliated President Obama and undid months of his ham-fisted foreign policy attempts by proving that Obama says the same thing — literally, the exact same words — to every single foreign head of state that visits the White House, like a broken record.(9)
Bull jivers "punch above their weight".... if swinging at 'nads.  Seen Obama's baseball girlie throw? (9A)

A clip of his broadcast was uploaded to YouTube, and now that American viewers have discovered it, it’s starting to go viral.

Americans wish this Dane had a job on American TV. Briant Gumball's job would be OK since nobody will miss that Christian hating bigot in the opinion of millions. Then millions might actually turn TVs on for the first time in years.  Most of us watch cable to avoid the three letter propaganda networks.













